Nancy discovered Jung’s psychology in her mid-twenties when she first began studies in graduate school. She was young, as Jung called his psychology of individuation a theory for the second half of life. Even so, as she entered what astrologers refer to as her first Saturn return, the world of analytic psychology became more than just study, it became part of a spiritual journey. She lived at Venice beach in southern California at the time, and was already part of a counter culture in the outer world. This new exploration became her inner journey.
The Jungian world was alive and vibrant in California at that time. She had the opportunity to study with people like Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, James Hillman. She took seminars at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and followed her passion to the Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland – a place she would return to many times over the years. Since that first trip to Zurich the desire to become a Jungian analyst was a driving force – but there were many detours along the way. An earthquake in 1994 was the catalyst for a move to Colorado, the creation of a new private practice and home under the watchful eye of the Boulder Flatirons. Colorado is also the place where her formal journey to become a Jungian Analyst came to fruition. As her c.v. tells the story of outer world accomplishments, the dream world, active imagination, gift for painting inner images, and analysis, have all been inner guiding forces.
In addition to over 35 years of private practice both in California and Colorado, for many years Nancy taught in the graduate psychology programs of Regis and Naropa Universities. She was a founding member of the Boulder Friends of Jung where she served as president of the Board of Directors and was a frequent lecturer. She has taught workshops in Europe, and currently teaches for and is on the Board of Directors of the C.G. Jung Institute of Colorado.